Just over a year ago, Google authorized the Allo messenger for the public, and initial criticism was somewhat scathing. Nonetheless, Google never abandoned its baby and has been consistently working on Allo, which is why I am celebrating its one-year anniversary. it may sound harsh but somewhat good is not good enough nowadays. Google had to take note of this when it presented its new messenger, Allo, at Google IO 2016. Hangouts, the established messenger, will continue to serve business purposes, while Allo was intended for consumers. Thanks to Assistant and stickers, Allo was meant to make a big splash in the market. I can already say with confidence that this plan has not succeeded. Complaints in about about flawed SMS integration are common in its comments section, as well as confusion over the stickers or privacy. Even after a year, Allo is doomed to a shadowy existence and, well, I recently stopped using the messenger app. At the beginning, I quickly installe...